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Document Excerpts

All of the following pdfs are excerpts of already posted pdfs, in order to make specific things easier to find.

Amber Heard shifts the blame (taken from Johnny Depp Closing Skeleton)

Evidence Analysis (taken from Defendant's Opposition to Motion to Compel and Sanctions)

Evolution of Incident 2 (taken from Josh Drew's Witness Statement)

Request for DV Restraining Order (taken from Amber Heard's Motion to Dismiss)

Summary of eyewitness evidence (taken from Johnny Depp Closing Skeleton)

Deposition transcripts:

moved to Deposition Transcripts

Text messages:

Text Messages (Amber Heard/Josh Drew) (taken from Josh Drew's Witness Statement)

Text Messages (everyone) (taken from NGN Closing Submissions)

Text Messages (Johnny Depp/David & Paige Heard/Christi Dembrowski) (taken from Johnny Depp Witness Statement 02)