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Unsealed Fairfax Court Documents

via Andrea Burkhart

Info via Andrea: Items listed on the Clerk's spreadsheet as #10 and #11 were duplicates of #3 and #5. Items marked "x," or "extra" are additional documents provided by the Clerk, but not listed on the spreadsheet.

(Clerk's) CL-2019-2911 Unsealed Documents - Page Count

01 - 09.03.21 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel

02 - 09.03.21 - Motion to Compel

03 - 07.07.21 - Reply Memorandum

04 - 09.24.21 - Motion to Compel Rule 4.10 exam

05 - 07.07.21 - Second Notification

06 - 09.24.21 - Opposition to Motion to Compel

07 - 09.24.21 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel

08 - 08.08.21 - Defendant's Exhibit to Plea in Bar

08x - 08.08.21 - Defendant's Exhibit to Plea in Bar

09 - 10.01.21 - Opposition to Motion to Compel

12 - 12.22.21 - Motion to Compel

13 - 12.22.21 - Memo in Support of Omnibus Motion

14 - 01.04.22 - Opposition

15 - 01.06.22 - Emergency Motion

16 - 12.22.21 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel

16x - 12.22.21 - Motion to Compel Production

17 - 01.28.22 - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel

18 - 12.22.21 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Production

19 - 01.20.22 - Opposition to Motion to Compel

20 - 02.25.22 - Opposition to Motion to Compel

21 - 02.25.22 - Exhibit 1 to Memorandum

22 - 02.18.22 - Motion to Compel Compliance

22x - 02.18.22 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel

23 - 02.25.22 - Memo in Support of Motion to Compel

24 - 03.11.22 - Motion for Sanctions Praecipe

25 - 03.11.22 - Opposition to Motion for Sanctions

26 - 03.11.22 - Motion for Sanctions

26x - 03.11.22 - Memorandum in Support of Motion for Sanctions

27 - 03.11.22 - Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment

28 - 03.22.22 - Defendant's Motion in Limine

29 - 03.22.22 - Defendant's Memo in Support of Motions in Limine

30 - 03.14.22 - Plaintiff's List of Exhibits

31 - 03.22.22 - Plaintiff's Motions in Limine

32 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Designation of Opposing Expert Witnesses

33 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Opposition to Motions in Limine

34 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Designations and Identification

35 - 03.28.22 - Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motions in Limine

36 - 04.01.22 - Motion for Reconsideration

37 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Objections

38 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Corrected Designations

39 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Supplemental Designations

40 - 03.28.22 - Plaintiff's Objections

41 - 05.16.22 - Memorandum in Support

42 - 05.16.22 - Motion to Seal Records

43 - 05.25.22 - Opposition to Motion to Exclude

44 - 07.07.22 - Bench Memorandum

45 - 07.07.22 - Motion to Exclude

45x - 07.07.22 - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Exclude

extra1 - 07.15.22 - Suspending Bond Order_Redacted

extra2 - 07.22.22 - Notice of Appeal

extra3 - 07.22.22 - Bond for Costs