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Photos/text messages provided for Incidents 01-14 for the UK trial

Please keep in mind:

The existence of various versions of a photo does not automatically mean that all versions were submitted in the trial(s) or that they were photoshopped by either party or JD/AH supporters.

Photos can look different due to scanning, printing, how the media/agencies are releasing them etc. and I have simply collected them from various sources.

Incident 01 - tattoo, late 2012/early 2013
Incident 02 - disco bloodbath/painting, March 2013
Incident 03 - Hicksville, June 2013
Incident 04 - flight from Boston to LA, May 2014
Incident 05 - Bahamas, Aug 2014
Incident 06 - Dec 17, 2014
Incident 07 - Tokyo, Jan 2015
Incident 08 - Australia, March 2015
Incident 09 - stairs, March 22, 2015
Incident 10 - train, honeymoon, July 2015
Incident 11 - thanksgiving, Nov 2015
Incident 12 - Dec 15, 2015
Incident 13 - birthday party, April 21, 2016
Incident 14 - phone throwing, May 21, 2016


Incident 01 - tattoo, late 2012/early 2013



Incident 02 - disco bloodbath/painting, March 2013

a) disco bloodbath (March 08, 2013)

F894.261, taken on March 08
Texts, March 12, 2013
F894.001A, taken on March 23

b) painting (March 22, 2013)

taken on March 21
photo taken on March 21, text sent on May 31

taken on March 22
taken on March 22
taken on March 22
taken on March 22

taken on March 23


The "van Pee" photo was initially thought to be part of the incident, but was actually not:

text with photo sent on Feb 11, 2014, unrelated


Incident 03 - Hicksville, June 2013 (top)


Incident 04 - flight from Boston to LA, May 2014 (top)

texts, March 25, 2014
texts, March 25, 2014
texts, March 25, 2014
texts, March 25, 2014
texts, March 25, 2014
Xtexts, March 25, 2014XX


Incident 05 - Bahamas, Aug 2014 (top)

Texts, Aug 17, 2014
Texts, Aug 18, 2014
Texts, Aug 18, 2014

These were initially provided for the Bahamas incident, but this door is actually not from any building in the Bahamas:

some door
some door
some door


Incident 06 - Dec 17, 2014 (top)

Texts, Dec 17, 2014
Texts, Dec 17, 2014


Incident 07 - Tokyo, Jan 2015 (top)



Incident 08 - Australia, March 2015 (top)

D61 v01
D61 v02
D61 v03
D249 v01
D249 v02
F894.051, taken in 2019

graphic, so links only for the following 3 pics of JD's finger:


Incident 09 - stairs, March 22, 2015 (top)

Texts, March 23, 2015
Texts, March 23, 2015
Texts, March 23, 2015
Texts, March 23, 2015
Texts, March 23, 2015
J1.4D v01
J1.4D v02

The photo in exhibit D76 was provided by mistake for injuries sustained on April 21, 2016 instead of March 23, 2015.

It was NOT submitted twice for 2 different incidents.

more info on this (click to expand)

The photo was attached to Sean Bett's witness statement as evidence for April 21, 2016 injuries.

Right at the beginning of Sean Bett's testimony, he let the court know that this was a mistake and that it was actually taken on March 23, 2015.

It was NOT submitted twice, it was NOT used for both incidents, it was NOT used in an attempt to mislead the judge or anyone else, it was corrected before the cross-examination started (and generally the only examination-in-chief in the UK in civil cases is to confirm the contents of your witness statement as true and the signature in it as yours, so the photo was never used there, either), so during the course of the UK trial it was never even claimed that the photo was taken on April 21, 2016. It was provided BEFORE the trial started via his witness statement. And unless I'm missing something, it wasn't used at all during Johnny Depp's testimony. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.


Incident 10 - train, honeymoon, July 2015 (top)

July 2015


Incident 11 - thanksgiving, Nov 2015 (top)



Incident 12 - Dec 15, 2015 (top)

REMINDER: The existence of various versions of a photo does not automatically mean that all versions were submitted in the trial(s) or that they were photoshopped by either party or JD/AH supporters!

F894.103 v01
F894.103 v02
F894.103 v03
F894.103 v04
F894.107 v01
F894.107 v02
F894.107 v03
F894.116 v01
F894.116 v02
F894.134 v01
F894.134 v02
F894.147 v01
F894.147 v02

The 3 photos below were only submitted ONCE. I have saved these from various sources and do not know which version the people in court saw.

F894.092 v01
F894.092 v02
F894.092 v03
F894.092 v04
F894.093 v01
F894.093 v02
F894.093 v03
F894.093 v04
F894.093 v05
F894.094 v01
F894.094 v02
F894.094 v03
F894.094 v04
F894.094 v05

Texts, Dec 15/16, 2015
Texts, Dec 20/21, 2015
Texts, Dec 20/21, 2015
Texts, Dec 20/21, 2015


Incident 13 - birthday party, April 21, 2016 (top)

D160 v01
D160 v02
D161 v01
D161 v02
D161 v03
D162 v01
D162 v02

Coachella, April 22, 2016



Incident 14 - phone throwing, May 21, 2016 (top)

The red coloring of the first 2 pictures is (presumably) due to the printing. We got better versions of those during the US trial.

F894.155 v01
F894.155 v02
F894.163 v01
F894.163 v02
F894.165 v01
F894.165 v02
F894.202 v01
F894.202 v02
F894.202 v03

Texts, May 21/22, 2016
Texts, May 21/22, 2016

May 22:

F894.214 or F894.220 v01
F894.214 or F894.220 v02
F894.216 or F894.222
F894.218 v01
F894.218 v02

May 27:


May 28:
