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US Trial - Appeal Documents

all docs are in pdf format unless otherwise noted

Johnny Depp's Appeal:

Designation of Assignments of Error:

Designation of Assignments of Error - Johnny Depp (Oct 11, 2022) via Andrea Burkhart & TheRealLauraB (docs are linked in description)

Opening Brief:

Opening Brief - Johnny Depp (Nov 02, 2022) via Aaron Keller of Law&Crime

Response Brief to the Opening Brief:

Amber Heard's Response to Johnny Depp's Opening Brief (Dec 02, 2022) via TheRealLauraB (doc is linked in description)

Reply Brief to the Response Brief:

Johnny Depp's Reply to Amber Heard's Response Brief (Dec 16, 2022) via TheRealLauraB

Amber Heard's Appeal:

Designation of Assignments of Error:

Designation of Assignments of Error - Amber Heard (Oct 11, 2022) via Andrea Burkhart, TheRealLauraB (docs are linked in description), Fox News & Law&Crime

Opening Brief:

Opening Brief - Amber Heard (Nov 23, 2022) via TheRealLauraB

Amicus Briefs in support of Amber Heard:

#01 Simpson Brief: 1062-22-4 Amici Brief (Nov 23, 2022) (source)
#02 Fletcher Brief: 11.22.2022 Amicus Brief Rev 6 (Nov 23, 2022) (source)

Opposition To Amicus Briefs:

Johnny Depp's Omnibus Opposition To Amici's Motions For Leave To File Briefs Amicus Curiae (Dec 05, 2022) via LeaveHeardAlone

Praecipe (Supplement to Corrected Fletcher Brief):

Praecipe (Dec 06, 2022) via LeaveHeardAlone

Reply to Opposition:

Reply in Further Support Of Motion For Leave To File Brief Of Amici Curiae (Dec 12, 2022) via LeaveHeardAlone

Motion For Leave To File Reply (Simpson):

Amici's Motion For Leave To File Reply (Dec 12, 2022) via LeaveHeardAlone

Response Brief to the Opening Brief:

yet to be filed ---

Reply Brief to the Response Brief:

yet to be filed ---