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Updates / Overview
January 2025:
January 06, 2025:
I have transcribed the Dr. Hughes Notes (Plt938) and added the pdf of the transcript to the Additional Exhibits page.
Please let me know if you notice any typos, if I missed or mistranscribed anything or any other mistakes or if you can help with any of the illegible words/question marks. I would very much appreciate it!
Thanks a lot to Lili for helping me with decisions and a bunch of question marks! :-)
December 2024:
December 11, 2024:
- I have replaced the incomplete deposition transcript of the 3rd Tracey Jacobs deposition (Jan 28, 2021) with the full (& searchable) transcript on the deposition transcripts page.
- I have replaced the screencap of exhibit Def321 with the actual court document (pdf / jpg) on the Exhibit List (2014).
- I have added exhibit Def348 (pdf / jpg) to the Exhibit List (2015)
September 2024:
Note, Sept 23, 2024:
Quick heads-up: There's a server update happening for an estimated 2-6 hours on Sept 24/25 depending on your time zone, starting at 07:00 pm ET, 01:00 am CET, 09:00 am AEST etc.), so during that time the site might be down or super slow. All done!
August 2024:
August 05, 2024:
- I have replaced several deposition transcripts with OCRed (= searchable) versions with thanks to Lili. All of the full deposition transcripts should be searchable now.
- I have replaced the unsealed docs with OCRed versions here with thanks to Lili
- I have updated some of the audio recording date info on the US Trial Exhibits - released audio/video only page
June 2024:
June 06, 2024:
- I have (finally) updated the Photos/texts provided for Incidents 01-14 for the UK trial page with a few pics that I had forgotten to add, as well
as a few more versions of others, updated/corrected some of the info (specifically about the painting incident that had confused me) and gave the page a "makeover".
- I have (also finally) added Def768 (the Amber Heard/Elon Musk texts on May 22, 2016) to the US Trial Exhibits by Year - 2016 page.
May 2024:
May 06, 2024:
- I have added 33 hearing transcripts (all of the previously missing or incomplete ones that were available) here.
- deposition transcripts can now be found here
- the latest deposition transcripts have been replaced with OCRed versions with thanks to Lili :-)
- added 119 embedded videos of the US trial courtesy of here. These do not have sidebars or breaks.
- added exhibits Plt889 and Plt1248 to the Additional Exhibits page as well as to the Exhibits by Year list.
- added the "Conditions of Release" pdf re Amber Heard's 2009 arrest here
- witness statements and declarations can now be found here
- audio transcripts (only official ones) can now be found here
- various updates/changes here and there (moved things around, removed duplicate pdfs, split/combined pages etc.) to clean things up a bit
If there are any broken links, please don't hesitate to let me know! Thank you! :-)
April 2024:
April 30, 2024: I have added deposition transcripts of Adam Waldman, Alejandro Romero, Candie Davidson-Goldbronn, Cornelius Harrell, Edward White, Elizabeth 'Liz' Marz, Jack Whigham, Laura Wasser, Walter Hamada here. OCRed versions to follow!
April 25, 2024: I have added docs for the JD-related case of Amber Heard vs. Doug Stanhope here and docs that were previously images only have been replaced with pdfs.
March 2024:
March 20, 2024: I have added the deposition transcripts of Laura Divenere, Robin Baum and Terence Dougherty here with huge thanks to Lili! :-)
November 2023:
Nov 29: I replaced the OCRed (= made searchable) transcript of Trial Day 23 on the US Trial Days Transcripts page with a new one that includes the previously missing page 72. Thank you to Lili! :-)
Nov 28: I was made aware (thank you! :-)) that the Trial Day 23 transcript was missing page 72 (4 transcript pages during the testimony of Morgan Tremaine, no sidebar).
Upon inquiring I learned that the missing page appeared to not have originally been scanned and I was kindly sent page 72. A bit more info and the full transcript can be found on the US Trial Days Transcripts page.
Nov 24: Moved the Evidence Analysis page to the UK area and made a few other minor updates on the index page. Let me also point out the Overview page again. It should make it easier to find things.
October 2023:
Oct 11: I have added notes about the recently added exhibits incl. "Plt938 - Notes", the notes by Amber's expert (not her therapist!) Dr. Hughes to the Additional Fairfax Docs - Exhibits page. Please read!
Oct 07: I have added a searchable version of "Plt938 - Notes" (the notes by Dr. Hughes) to the Additional Fairfax Docs - Exhibits page. Big thanks to adiposity256 for this! :-)
September 2023:
Sept 23: I have added an Overview page with links to all the pages on this site to hopefully help make things easier to find.
Sept 17 (02): I have added 2 additional versions of OCRed (= made searchable) trial day transcripts here.
Sept 17 (01): I added OCRed (= made searchable) versions of the deposition transcripts of Christian Carino, Erin Falati, Isaac Baruch and Jennifer Howell here.
Sept 13: I added 42 exhibits to the Additional Fairfax Docs - Exhibits page as well as the new Exhibit List.
Sept 11 (02): Also finally added the "Authorization for Entry of Satisfaction of Judgment and/or Release of Judgment Lien" here. Sorry for the delay!
Sept 11 (01): I added the deposition transcripts of Christian Carino, Erin Falati, Isaac Baruch and Jennifer Howell here.
Sept 10: I split the "additional Fairfax docs" page into 2 pages: Additional Fairfax Docs - Exhibits & Additional Fairfax Docs - Deposition Transcripts
Sept 06/08: Quick heads-up: There's a server maintenance going on for an estimated 7 hours starting around late Thursday/early Friday (Sept 07/08) depending on your time zone (6:00 pm EST, midnight CET, 8:00 am AEST etc.), so during that time the site might be down or super slow. All done!
August 2023:
Aug 29:
- added a new, more thorough exhibit list here
- added video of full appearance of Amber Heard on James Corden here
- added clip of Amber Heard on RTL Late Night here
- replaced the Thanksgiving videos with better quality versions here
Aug 20 (2): Also added the declaration of Kate James and all the US trial witnesses to the "Who's who?" page.
Aug 20 (1): I was recently made aware that I forgot to add the declarations by Amber Heard, Jennifer Howell and Josh Richman to the "Who's who?" page. Sorry about that, I have added them now, as well as Jennifer Howell's witness statement.
July 2023:
July 23: I have added OCRed versions of Days 22-27, thanks a lot to Brock for making them searchable!
July 20: Added the official transcripts of every day of the US trial here.
March 2023:
March 16: Added the recently posted additional Fairfax docs here.
March 12: Nothing to say here. Except that the site is back up. :-)
December 2022:
Dec 20 (02): In June I started working on a more thorough exhibit list (screenshots to give you an idea: 01 & 02).
It's not finished yet, but I'm unsure if there's still interest now, especially with the appeals withdrawn, or if I should give up.
So I made a twitter poll. If you're not interested,
just ignore it, since it's not about the majority, but interest. Thanks!
upd. Dec 27: Poll is over.
Dec 20 (01): Super late with this, but I added Christopher Melcher & Chandler Remington to
the Social Media area below.
Dec 17: Added more Appeal related docs to the court docs page and reassorted the Appeal docs to make it more clear which appeal which docs belong to.
Dec 07:
- Added Amber Heard's Response to Johnny Depp's Opening Brief to the court docs page.
- Added Volume 4 of Amber Heard's 2016 deposition here
November 2022:
Nov 27: Reassorted the US Trial Exhibits page by type (audios/photos etc.), the previous version will still be available.
Nov 28: Added Amber Heard's Opening Brief to the court docs page. // previous updates
Nov 25: Added:
- with a bit of a delay the 2 pdfs with the "Designation of Assignments of Error" by both parties, as well as the Opening Brief by Johnny Depp to the court docs page
- the 2 Amicus Briefs in support of Amber Heard to the court docs page as well
- Volume 3 of Amber Heard's 2016 deposition here
September 2022:
Sept 20: Added Adam Waldman's tweets from July to October 2020 here.
Also, it looks like the Fairfax County's Trial Exhibits site was taken down. You can still find all exhibits that were released on the US Trial Exhibits page.
Sept 03 (2): Added Volumes 1+2 of Amber Heard's 2016 deposition here.
Sept 03 (1): Added:
- the Unsealed Fairfax Court Documents via Andrea Burkhart
- inofficial transcripts of the US Trial days via Nick Wallis.
August 2022:
Aug 17: I went through all 700+ Fairfax docs and made excerpts of all the transcripts I could find (audios, depositions, hearings, US Trial testimonies), you can find them here.
July 2022:
July 13: Added 2 Fairfax pdfs here.
July 11 (2):
- added the pdf of the New York Marine and General vs Amber Heard complaint here under "JD/US Trial-related" with thanks to Edy
- added 3 pdfs to the Rocky Brooks page, again with thanks to Edy :-)
July 11: Added 7 new Fairfax pdfs here
July 09 (2): Added 1 85 pdfs to the Rocky Brooks page with thanks to Edy. :-)
July 09: Added 2 pdfs (the recent motion to set aside the verdict & a supplemental memorandum) here.
July 02: Added pdfs #107 & 108 related to the ACLU here.
June 2022:
June 24 (4): Added 5 more new Fairfax pdfs here.
June 24 (3): Added another new Fairfax pdf here.
June 24 (2): Added a doc from 2018 regarding a previous lawsuit against Johnny Depp under "misc" in the unassorted docs area.
June 24: Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
June 18: Added a transcript for the Opening Statements from Day 1 of the US Trial with thanks to Ashley Taylor. :-)
June 15: Added pdfs #105 & 106 related to the ACLU here.
June 13 (2): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
June 13: Added 2 court docs (exhibit list & witness list) related to the Rocky Brooks case here with thanks to Rare In The History. :-)
June 07: Added pdfs #101-104 related to the ACLU here.
May 2022:
May 29 (2): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
May 29: Made a list of witnesses who actually testified during the US Trial.
May 27: Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
May 25:
- Added 11 exhibits (1 to 5-16-2022 (JD), 4 5 to 5-17-2022 (JD), 3 to 5-18-2022 (AH), 1 to 5-24-2022 (AH), 2 to 5-25-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
- Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
May 24 (2): Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here.
May 24: Added 5 exhibits to 5-18-2022 (AH), 1 to 5-16-2022 (AH) and 1 to 5-5-2022 (AH) on the US Trial Exhibits page.
May 23 (2): Added 16 exhibits to 5-18-2022 (AH) on the US Trial Exhibits page.
May 23: Added HQs of evidence photos of the Australia incident here.
May 19 (2): Added 10 12 exhibits (2 to 5-17-2022 (JD), 1 to 5-4-2022 (JD), 1 to 5-19-2022 (AH), 2 to 5-18-2022 (AH), 6 to 5-16-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page
May 19: Added 2 exhibits to 5-5-2022 (AH) on the US Trial Exhibits page
May 18 (2): Added 9 exhibits (6 to 5-17-2022 (JD), 1 to 5-16-2022 (JD), 1 to 5-4-2022 (JD) & 1 to 5-17-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page
May 18:
- added a YT playlist of streams for each day of the US Trial, via ImFcknRakin!
- updated/rearranged the Social Media area and added a bunch of lawyers, please check them out! :-)
- added another Amber Heard deposition video (11:21 am) here
May 17 (2): Added 3 to 5-17-2022 (JD), 12 to 5-16-2022 (JD) & 32 to 5-16-2022 (AH) to the US Trial Exhibits page
May 17: Added 11 exhibits to 5-16-2022 (JD) & 5 exhibits to 5-16-2022 (AH) to the US Trial Exhibits page
May 07:
- added lawyer Dr. Tracy A. Pearson, JD under Social Media
- added Feature Article: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, and Unconscious Bias
by Dr. Tracy A. Pearson, JD to the Press page.
- by request: separated the Pro Hac Vice & Foreign Subpoena docs from the general Fairfax docs, those can now be found at the bottom of that page.
May 06 (2): Fixed broken links for the 11 pdfs added on May 05 to 5-5-2022 (AH) on the US Trial Exhibits page
May 06:
- Added an overview of which incidents were accepted/not accepted in the UK and why here.
- Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
- Added youtube channels live streaming/covering the US trial under Social Media.
- Added 38 40 exhibits, 38 to 5-5-2022 (AH), 1 to 5-4-2022 (JD) & 1 to 4-28-2022 (JD) on the US Trial Exhibits page
May 05 (2): Added 16 exhibits to 5-5-2022 (AH), 5-4-2022 (AH) & 5-2-2022 (AH) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
May 05: Added 2 Amber Heard deposition videos here (6:38 pm & 6:39 pm).
April 2022:
April 29: Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
April 28 (3): Added 4 exhibits (2 to 4-25-2022 (JD) & 2 to 4-25-2022 (AH) (all audio recordings)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 28 (2): Added pdf #100 related to the ACLU here.
April 28: Added 5 exhibits (2 to 4-25-2022 (JD), 1 to 4-26-2022 (AH), 2 to 4-25-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 26 (3): Added 12 24 a bunch more exhibits (1 to 4-25-2022 (AH, audio), 11 23 lots to 4-21-2022 (AH, 3 audios, 8 20 lots of pdfs)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 26 (2): Added 12 exhibits (2 (audios) to 4-25-2022 (JD), 5 (2 pdf, 3 audios) to 4-21-2022 (JD), 5 (audios) to 4-25-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 26: Added 5 exhibits (1 mp4 to 4-26-2022 (JD), 2 pdfs to 4-25-2022 (JD), 2 pdfs to 4-25-2022 (AH)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 25 (2): Added 1 3 exhibits (1 to 4-25-2022 (AH), 2 to 4-25-2022 (JD)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 25: Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
April 23: Fixed broken link for the US Witness List. Sorry about that! Please don't hesitate to let me know if you come across broken links, I'd really appreciate it!.
April 22: Added 2 exhibits (4-20-2022 (JD)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 21 (3): Added 8 9 13 exhibits (5 6 10 to 4-21-2022 (AH), 1 to 4-20-2022 (AH), 1 to 4-12-2022 (AH), 1 to 4-20-2022 (JD)) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 21 (2): Added 3 exhibits for 4-18-2022 (AH) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 21: Added 5 exhibits for 4-20-2022 (JD) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 20 (2): Added 3 exhibits for 4-20-2022 (JD) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 20: Added pdfs #93-99 related to the ACLU here.
April 18 (3): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
April 18 (2): Added 3 7 10 more exhibits (JD: 1 4 PDFs & 1 video file, AH: 1 5 PDFs) to the US Trial Exhibits page.
April 18:
- moved the US Trial to the top, UK below
- made a US Witness List with all listed witnesses. Be aware that "listed" does not mean that they will actually testify.
- made a US trial calendar incl. week 01 witnesses
- added 2 PDFs (a list of cross-referenced legal & other docs, as well as a list of recordings) made and kindly sent to me by naruto uzumaki, thank you so much! :-) You can find them under "Misc".
April 15 (3): Added 86 surveillance video clips (length of ~19 1/2 hours in total) to US Trial Exhibits page.
April 15 (2): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
April 15 (1): Added a US Trial Exhibits page here.
April 13: Added 4 new Fairfax pdfs here.
April 05 (2): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
April 05 (1): Like with Amber Heard's exhibit list, I added a searchable one for Johnny Depp's exhibits, which you can find here.
April 04: Added 1 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 2022:
March 30: Added 4 9 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 29: Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
March 27: Updated AH's searchable exhibit list with the "Corrected and Supplemental Exhibit List" by adding the changes below the initial list, you can find it here.
March 25: Added 3 5 6 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 24 (2): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 24 (1): Since the PDF of Amber Heard's Exhibit List for the US Trial isn't searchable, other than by scrolling and looking, I made a searchable list & searchable pdfs of it, which you can find here.
March 17 (2): Added Adam Waldman's January 2021 tweets here.
March 17 (1): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 16 (3): Added Amber Heard's current Witness List for the US Trial (pdf) with brief descriptions of the new witnesses to the Who's who? page
March 16 (2): Added 1 4 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 16 (1): Made a few minor additions/corrections/clarifications to the descriptions of Johnny Depp's current Witness List for the US Trial.
March 15 (2): Added Johnny Depp's current Witness List for the US Trial (pdf) with brief descriptions of the new witnesses to the Who's who? page.
March 15 (1): Added 8 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 11:
- fixed (hopefully) the autoplay issues on the video pages, my apologies to everyone who had the videos all play at once and please let me know if that is still the case for you, they should only start playing once you hit the "play" button
- added lawyer LegalBytes to the Social Media area
March 09: Added the following two "work in progress" pages: Incidents 01-14 and Evidence List & Info.
March 01: Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here.
February 2022:
Feb 28: Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Feb 25: Added today's new Fairfax pdf here.
Feb 24: I've added new clips of AH's 2016 deposition & replaced all except 2 of the remaining AH ones here. There are 10 added clips in total (5 new, 4 replaced, 1 longer), ~20 min new footage + ~10 min of replaced footage.
Feb 22:
- replaced the "Who's who?" with a new and (hopefully) improved "Who's who?" page
- added more pics (posted by Adam Waldman & Alice Temperley) to the AH/Greg Williams/Bahamas photoshoot page
- removed the pages with the individual images of the court doc pdfs on the UK court docs page, as well as their zips, and made some minor changes
- moved the link to the JD Chronology to "Misc" and removed "Timelines" from the menu
- made more minor changes to the main page
Feb 18 01: added link to Road to Fairfax ep 10's twitter thread here and made some other minor updates on the main page.
Feb 18 02: added today's 2 new Fairfax docs here.
Feb 11:
- added today's 10 new Fairfax pdfs here.
- added link to Road to Fairfax ep 9's twitter thread here.
Feb 09:
- added the Road to Fairfax podcast to the menu and added links to the twitter threads for each episode here.
- moved petitions and press (articles/blog posts etc.) to their own pages, added links to them as well as the JD supporters survey to "Misc" and removed them from the menu.
- updated Social Media, moved link to Adam Waldman's tweets to "Misc" and removed the twitter threads section
- made some other minor changes here and there
Feb 04: added the latest 3 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Feb 03):
- added the latest Fairfax pdf here.
- added one more post by therapist & author Ann Silvers here
January 2022:
Update (Jan 20): added 5 new Fairfax pdfs here, also added a link to the Road to Fairfax podcast under "Social Media"
Update 01 (Jan 10): added the latest 5 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update 02 (Jan 10): added 2 more Fairfax pdfs (Defendant's Motion for Protective Order & Defendant's Motion for Protective Order Exhibits) here.
Update (Jan 04): added the latest 4 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Jan 03):
- added the elevator footage clip of Johnny Depp, Jerry Judge & Sean Bett on May 21, 2016 here, as well as the times of each video.
- added 12 court docs: 1 from 2008, 10 from 2016, 1 from 2018 (images only), you can find them all here.
- added links to 4 blog posts by therapist & author Ann Silvers under articles/blog posts
- added more pics of Amber on May 27, 2016 here
December 2021:
Update (Dec 14): added the latest 3 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Dec 02): added the latest 3 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Dec 01): added the latest 2 Fairfax pdfs here.
November 2021:
Update (Nov 28):
- added 5 videos of Amber Heard leaving the court on May 27, 2016 here
- merged all the multimedia pages into one page linking to individual pages here with minor updates here and there
- added HQs of Amber on May 27 & 28, 2016 here
Update (Nov 20): Added 4 more Amber Heard deposition videos (assorted all 7 in chronological order, newly added ones have a "*new*" note above them) and gave the deposition videos their own page here.
Update (Nov 11): Added 1 Fairfax pdf ("Order Dated November 8, 2021") here.
Update (Nov 08):
- added the page "Evidence Analysis" where I tried to combine the evidence analysis we recently got with the evidence pics. You can find it here here (also linked under "Misc").
- noticed that I forgot to actually upload the document excerpts. The links should be working now. So sorry about that!
Update (Nov 07):
- Added 1 Fairfax pdf ("Order Dated June 21, 2021" which was uploaded to Fairfax on Oct 20) here.
- added clips of Amber Heard on James Corden in Dec 2015 here.
- realized I forgot to add a link to the document excerpts, so I added one under the court document quick links as well as one on the documents page.
- added pics, a video and video caps of the penthouse here (link to this page can be found under "Misc").
October 2021:
Update (Oct 29): Added the latest 6 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Oct 27): Added the latest 12 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (Oct 28): Added the latest Fairfax pdf (Order Dated October 18, 2021) here.
Update (Oct 26): Added pdf #92 related to the ACLU here.
Update (Oct 22):
- Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here
- Added various deposition clips (Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, Josh Drew, Raquel Pennington) and clips of the elevator footage here. Feel free to let me know if I missed any clips!
Update (Oct 21): Added 5 7 new Fairfax pdfs here
Update (Oct 16):
- added the latest Fairfax pdf here (Order Dated October 12, 2021)
- added a page with excerpts of already posted pdfs here to hopefully make certain things easier to find
- added the Rocky Brooks 2019 deposition here, thanks so much again to Kaylee Manning for sharing & allowing me to add it :-)
- made a list of all subpoenas for the US trial (if I got something wrong, please let me know!) which you can find under US Trial
- added mp4 of the headbutt conversation video, since the embedded video was taken down, you can find it here
- updated Incredibly Average's video page with information about each video
- added links to playlists for the youtube videos of Autumn On Venus, Live Abuse Free & Lost Beyond Pluto (under Social Media)
Update (Oct 08): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here (Foreign Subpoena for Debbie Lloyd & Defendant's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Certify)
Update (Oct 07): Added 2 old pdfs to the UK Trial page (Application to Appeal - Press Summary & Approved Judgment), also moved JD's first witness statement to the same page to have them all in one place.
Because of this I also renamed the nw.html to uk_trial.html, so if there are any broken links due to this change, please let me know.
Update (Oct 06): Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here
Update (Oct 01) 01: Added the latest 2 Fairfax pdfs here
Update (Oct 01) 02: Added another 3 new Fairfax pdfs here
September 2021:
Update (Sept 29): Added the latest 6 Fairfax pdfs here
Update (Sept 23): Added the latest 4 Fairfax pdfs here
Update (Sept 20): Added pdf #91 related to the ACLU here
Update (Sept 18): Updated the California Court Documents page with Laura's tweets from March to September 2021
Update (Sept 15): Added the Assessment of Credibility of Testimony
in Alleged Intimate Partner Violence: A Case Report by Teresa C. Silva under "Articles/blog posts etc.", incl. pdf and screenshots
Update (Sept 14): Added pdfs #73-90 related to the ACLU here
Update (Sept 13): Moved site to new server & gave it its own domain. Please let me know if there are any broken links!
Update (Sept 09): added the newest Fairfax pdf here
Update (Sept 08): added the newest Fairfax pdf here
Update (Sept 05):
- added the latest 6 Fairfax pdfs here
- added pdfs #70-72 related to JD's motion to compel the ACLU here
- added a link to the page with Adam Waldman's tweets under "social media" (sorry, totally forgot to do that when I first posted them)
- updated the list of lawyers
- finally added the Bahamas photos Greg Williams took in December 2015, you can find them here
July 2021:
Update (July 14): Added the latest 4 Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (July 07) 02: Of course 16 minutes after I tweeted about the update, Fairfax added a new pdf. Added it here as well.
Update (July 07) 01: Added the latest 7 Fairfax pdfs here and pdfs #68 & 69 related to JD's motion to compel the ACLU here. Also fixed the links to #56-67.
June 2021:
Update (June 18): Added the latest 8 Fairfax pdfs here and pdfs #56-67 related to JD's motion to compel the ACLU here.
Update (June 07) (2): Added all so far 55 pdfs related to JD's motion to compel the ACLU here. I hope it looks okay on any device (phone, computer, tablet etc.).
Update (June 07): Added the latest 4 Fairfax pdfs here.
May 2021:
Update (May 30): Added the Eric George deposition here with thanks to TugTiny & 1 Fairfax pdf here (I'm a bit
late with this one, sorry, life has been crazy busy.).
Update (May 18): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
Update (May 01): Added Adam Waldman's tweets from March and April 2021 here.
April 2021:
Update (April 29): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (April 26): Added a timeline of the incidents here with thanks to Beatrice.
Update (April 25): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (April 16): Added 4 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (April 15): Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (April 10): Added 4 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (April 02): Added 3 new Fairfax pdfs here.
March 2021:
Update (March 31): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
Update (March 23): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update (March 21): Added file "Amber Laura Heard - Deposition - August 13, 2016" to the documents here.
Update (March 20): Added links to the March 18 hearing here.
Update (March 19) 02: Moved all of the UK Trial/Nick Wallis documents to a separate page here.
Update (March 19) 01: Added 2 new PDFs from the March 18 hearing for permission to appeal here with thanks to Nick Wallis.
Update (March 18): Added 5 new PDFs from the March 18 hearing for permission to appeal here with thanks to Nick Wallis.
Update (March 10): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
Update (March 05): Added 1 new Fairfax pdf here.
Update (March 01): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
February 2021:
Update 2 (Feb 24): Added 2 new Fairfax pdfs here.
Update 1 (Feb 24): Added one new Fairfax pdf here.
Update 2 (Feb 23): Added more new Fairfax pdfs here, as well as pages for Laura's tweets with the California court documents here.
Update 1 (Feb 23): Added the latest Fairfax pdf here.
Update (Feb 22): Uploaded all Fairfax pdfs, you can find them here.
Update (Feb 20): Update to apologize for the lack of updates these past few weeks, there are still things I intend to add, just don't know at the moment when I'll get around to it, sorry! If there's anything important/urgent still missing, let me know and I'll try to
add it as quickly as possible!
January 2021:
Update (Jan 24): a little while ago I added a page for a list of the Fairfax documents in upload order (so far only December & early January, might continue if helpful)
Update (Jan 06): added the PDF of NGN's Response to the Application for Appeal with thanks to Nick Wallis
December 2020:
Update (Dec 26): added both Application for Appeal PDFs with thanks to Nick Wallis
Update (Dec 12): added a survey created by Luna regarding the JD supporters, please check it out and participate if you have a few minutes
Update (Dec 05): added the 911 call (here) and pics & zips of the THR pdfs (here)
November 2020:
Update (Nov 24): made some minor updates over the last few days and added pages for pics of Johnny's injuries (under "UK Trial"), pics & zip for Amber's Motion To Dismiss (under the court documents), as well as info on both of their arrests (under "Misc")