collection of court documents, evidence etc. related to Johnny Depp's court cases, so you can deep dive into it all
I'm keeping this site very simple, since it's not about how pretty it looks, but about the content and that it's hopefully easy to navigate through and easy to find what you're looking for. I hope that's the case. :-)
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the site in any way, be it by pointing out mistakes, broken links etc., by sharing docs or by helping in other ways, I really appreciate it!
Note, May 02, 2024, regarding "unsealed" docs (click to expand)
Let me say this again, because for some people this seems to be difficult IMPOSSIBLE to understand:
The deposition transcripts are NOT unsealed docs, the hearing transcripts are NOT unsealed docs, the exhibits are NOT unsealed docs!
The ONLY documents that were unsealed are the ones HERE, no other docs were unsealed!
Note, Sept 23, 2024:
Quick heads-up: There's a server update happening for an estimated 2-6 hours on Sept 24/25 depending on your time zone, starting at 07:00 pm ET, 01:00 am CET, 09:00 am AEST etc.), so during that time the site might be down or super slow. All done!
August 05, 2024:
- I have replaced several deposition transcripts with OCRed (= searchable) versions with thanks to Lili. All of the full deposition transcripts should be searchable now.
- I have replaced the unsealed docs with OCRed versions here with thanks to Lili
civil trial = on the balance of probabilities, criminal trial = beyond a reasonable doubt
NGN won, Amber Heard did not (she was a witness only)
JD losing means the judge didn't believe him, it does not mean JD was convicted or found/proven guilty
If you have any questions, suggestions, problems or complaints, want to contribute something or want something removed, notice any errors (broken links, wrong dates, misinformation etc.) or want to contact me for any other reason, you can: